Attack of the Mutt
Habit, my dog, loves to go over and torment my parents dog, Tie. Tie is very protective of her and pretty much lets her beat up on him. She will bite his legs, mouth, tail. He will move away and giver her a toy to play with instead. She follows him everywhere. He has adopted her and takes care of her like a father. It is really quite cute. Last night I decided to stay overnight at my parents house. Habit was in heaven. She was getting extra Tie time. When we are at home and it is bed time, I tell her it is nighty night time. We go upstairs to my room and go to sleep. She will sleep next to me and go to sleep without any problems. Since I decided to stay at my mom and dads last night, I told her it was nighty night time. I picked her up and carried her into the spare room with me and shut the door. I lay down on the bed close my eyes and repeat that it was time to go to sleep. She was not having any of it. She wanted out with Tie. I tried to hold her down. That did not work. So I decided to just shut my eyes and she would get tired of standing by the door whinnying and come to bed.
I shut my eyes, I felt the bed give and hot breath on me. as soon as I opened my eyes she jumped off the bed and ran to the bedroom door. I knew she only wanted out to get to Tie because I had let her potty prior to going to bed. There fore I just shut my eyes again. After a few minutes the whole process repeated itself and she once again jumped off the bed when I opened my eyes. Still I was going to win!!! The dog was not going to defeat me. I closed my eyes and more time went by. I had just fallen asleep when it happened. Attack of the mutt. I felt a hot wet object being thrust up my nose. Being in the realm of sleep I jerked my head away and she pounced. Habit was standing on my head and I was swiping with my hands and thrashing my head back an fourth to keep away from the slick wet tongue but she was quick and was lapping as me like I was an ice cream cone. Finally I got her off of me by sitting straight up in bed which tossed her onto the floor.
She was dancing around running to the door and back to me, to the door and back to me. I was busy wiping the doggy drool off my face and trying to clean out my now tongue raped nose. I gave up.. Fine she wins. I throw the cover off my body stand up and take a step to let her out of the room. Seems my dog left me a surprise, which she does when she is mad at me. My foot landed in a puddle of pee and I slid right onto my butt on the floor. Yes I am a klutz but slipping on a tiled floor in a puddle of pee after my nose had been violated was not my idea of an ideal wake up call. I picked myself up off of the floor made it to the door and flung it open as if the hounds of hell were about to attack instead of a 10 lb rat dog.
Habit ran out of the room straight through the kitchen to the den where my mother and Tie was. By the time I had gotten to the den she was snuggled up next to Tie on the couch with her eyes heavy and starting to close. It was a lost battle. I went to the bathroom, cleaned my feet off, went back to the bedroom and cleaned up the floor, washed my hands and crawled back into bed. Alone. Seems that is just par for the