hard2 stop

I am a self motivated, independent female looking for answers. Aren't we all.

Friday, January 27, 2006


I know this may sound very odd but I am obsessed with pancakes. Over the last several weeks I have been craving pancakes. I have had them from Jerry's, Denny's, IHOP, frozen and my own. I though I was in heaven last weekend when I got to have them 2 days in a row while I was in Chicago. My best friend was very funny stating if she didn't know better she would think I was pregnant. We both know I am not, but it was very humerous. Now when it comes to my pancakes I must have butter on each one. Also only one kind of syrup. Maple. When I was at IHOP they had all different types, blueberry, butter pecan, strawberry, boysenberry. Only maple will do for me. By the way, what the heck is a boysenberry? I have never seen one at the produce section in the store. Why would I put it on my cherished pancake.

My best bud is having a different craving. Eggs. She never liked eggs and now she can't get enough of them. It does blen perfectly though. We are both doing the breakfast food kick. I think we might have to have some breakfast this weekend.

In other news. I am getting a roommate this weekend. It should be interesting getting accustomed to the new change. But much fun. I will have to let everyone know how it is going. We might have a few laughs or I may say you may get a few laughs. All I will say is I have a bunch of stuff and I still don't know how I fit most of it in one tiny room and a small part of a garage for all those years. Oh and I hate moving!!! I hope everyone has a good weekend, I know I will, I am going to have pancakes.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Dirty Little Secrets

I am beginning to find everyone has their own secrets. Things they keep to themselves and would rather not let other people in their life find out about. I have always had them and not found that abnormal. I know I should not find it strange that others have them as well. I currently have many secrets from various people. Some are known only to myself and will go to my grave with me ,others are only known to those involved.

What constitutes a good secret? Is it something embarassing? Something that would cause you conflict? Something that is illegal? I guess it can be all of the above. I know people who have them in all of the above categories, although they are not very proud of the last. Can a secret be good though? I know if it is a birhtday party or a present it has to remain hidden for a short amount of time and that can fall under the secret category and it is a good thing, but is that really a secret? I am not so sure. My idea of a secret is that if it comes out something negative will occur in some way. You know like a death bed confession.

I am rambling, I know about something very trivial. I have a friend who has a secret. Ok I know we all have them. I know this friends secret. Its me and one of my other friends. They are keping us a secret from their significant other to avoid conflict. I do understand why it would cause some issues and I am with that entirely. I just find it increasingly humerous that WE are somebodys dirty little secret. But as I said before we all have them, I am flattered I just happen to be someone elses. Love ya bunches.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

How to Think positive for Dummies

I am trying to start my new year with a more positive out look. I wouldn't say I have been the kind of person who always looks at things in a negative light, but I have been more negative than I prefer to be. I just wish their was an instruction manual, you know How to Think Positive for Dummies. They make them for everything else. Why not this? Well ok , the whole concept of How to... for Dummies isn't a very positive title. I guess it would be what you would call an oxymoron. Anyway, if there was such a book I do have some suggestions on chapters. The suggestions are strictly because these are the things I find myself having difficulty with on the staying positive track. It's kind of like AA. You have to stay on the wagon, but if you fall off you have to get right back on.

Chapter 1- Admitting you have a problem ( keep it to yourself, everyone else may think your a little nuts)
Chapter 2- How to handle stress from positively people for dummies
Chapter 3- How to handle stress from outside sources positively for dummies aka work, finances
Chapter 4- How to handle stress from people positively for dummies when chapter 2 does not work
Chapter 5- How to tell people to kiss your ass positively for dummies
Chapter 6- How to love yourself for handling the stress from people , outside sources, telling ones to kiss your ass positively and telling yourself you are no longer a Dummie.

I am not sure how well it would sell, but you never know. I am thinking millions. Now isn't that positive?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hello New Year

Hello everyone. I know it has been a while since I have blogged. So very much has been going on. I am sure we all get that way during the holiday season. I had high hopes 2006 was going to begin a lot better than 2005 had ended. I was trying to think positive, be positive, stay positive but it seems everywhere I turn there is someone or something ready to knock me down.

I have recently parted company with a man I love. Despite everything that has happened I do love him. I may not like him very much right now and leaving was for the best, but I can not just turn my feeling off and on like a light switch. I am hurting. I am trying hard not to let everyone see how bad it truly is. You know put on a happy face. I was always one to wear a mask to hide most of my emotions anyway. I need the poeple in my life to understand this. I hope they understand this is not just going to fix itself in a week or two. I do not want to make the same mistakes I made after I lost my other love. It will take time.

I have been spending a lot of time at my parents home, partly because everywhere I turn in my own home it reminds me of him and beacuse my dog has someone to play with over there. I have been watching my dad day after day. He has recently started raditation on his hand for cancer. The wound is open and bleeds all the time and he is in pain. If he is in this much pain in the beginning how much will he be in by the time they are done? It is also possible that all of this will be for nothing and he will still have to have partial amputation. I guess only time will tell. It is just so very hard to see him like this. He puts on a happy face and a positive front to the world, but with us he falls so low. Please keep him in your prayers. I know I am.

I am feeling pretty alone right now. I know I am not, but it just feels that way. I miss the feel of my godchildren's arms around my neck. I miss the easy commradrie with certain friends. I miss being content. Although I did have an interesting suprise on New Years. We were sitting at a friends house watching the tv and the descent of the ball and I looked around. I felt so out of place, I felt so alone. I was in a room full of my best friends and I have never felt so alone. My two friends standing by their husbands, one friend curled up next to her boyfriend and me sitting in a hard backed chair in a corner by myself. Then my one friend's cell phone began to ring. It was a very good friend of mine from Chicago as well as one of my past loves. He stayed on the phone with me until after the ball dropped and was the first to wish me a Happy New Year. I didn't feel so alone. Especially after my best bud came over and planted one right on my smacker. Thanks Chicago, see you soon.

For all those out there may your new year blessed and I hope 2006 brings all the good fortune and positivity to your life. I know I am still working on mine. I guess you can say I am a work in progress.