hard2 stop

I am a self motivated, independent female looking for answers. Aren't we all.

Friday, January 27, 2006


I know this may sound very odd but I am obsessed with pancakes. Over the last several weeks I have been craving pancakes. I have had them from Jerry's, Denny's, IHOP, frozen and my own. I though I was in heaven last weekend when I got to have them 2 days in a row while I was in Chicago. My best friend was very funny stating if she didn't know better she would think I was pregnant. We both know I am not, but it was very humerous. Now when it comes to my pancakes I must have butter on each one. Also only one kind of syrup. Maple. When I was at IHOP they had all different types, blueberry, butter pecan, strawberry, boysenberry. Only maple will do for me. By the way, what the heck is a boysenberry? I have never seen one at the produce section in the store. Why would I put it on my cherished pancake.

My best bud is having a different craving. Eggs. She never liked eggs and now she can't get enough of them. It does blen perfectly though. We are both doing the breakfast food kick. I think we might have to have some breakfast this weekend.

In other news. I am getting a roommate this weekend. It should be interesting getting accustomed to the new change. But much fun. I will have to let everyone know how it is going. We might have a few laughs or I may say you may get a few laughs. All I will say is I have a bunch of stuff and I still don't know how I fit most of it in one tiny room and a small part of a garage for all those years. Oh and I hate moving!!! I hope everyone has a good weekend, I know I will, I am going to have pancakes.


  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger RedNeckGirl said…


    I luv ya, you are too funny!!!!

  • At 8:00 PM, Blogger mindtwister said…

    Pancakes???....are you sure you don't mean Pan-CRACK!!!

    If I didn't know any better, I would say that they drug your pancakes....that way, you have to keep coming back for more and more.....lol.

    Could be the same for the eggs too....ya never know.

    I have an idea....I should go to breakfast with y'all and see if I get addicted to a certain breakfast item ;)


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