hard2 stop

I am a self motivated, independent female looking for answers. Aren't we all.

Monday, November 27, 2006

I don't know

I titled this blog "I don't know " for a few reasons. I am not sure what would be a good name for it. Over the past few months.. heck the past year I have had a lot on my plate as do most adults. Recently it has gotten worse. My father has been in the hospital for the last 6 weeks. The longer he stays the more certain he is never coming out. There were times even my faith in his recovery was in jeopardy. Especially when he was in the ICU. The hospital has made so many mistakes with his care my mother doesn't even want to leave his side for fear of them forgetting some important part of his treatment. She sleeps there now at his request. They have been married for over 30 years. Odd in today's society, I know. They have had their share of arguments and fights and stood together through things that would have torn most marriages apart. My dad had a kidney transplant when he was 24, mom had a heart attack at 38, dads subsequent problems from the medications for rejection the most being the cancer that has overtaken his skin. Amputation ad now a rare form of pneumonia and blood clots. I commend my parents for their dedication and love for the other. They have thought me so much about not giving up when the going gets tough. You stick it out and make it work. Maybe I listened to the lesson a bit to literally.My dad is starting to make progress but it is going to be very slow. During the time he was in the hospital I moved from my home back into their home. I have blogged about the move already.

I want to thank my parents for everything they have done for me. Without them I would be nothing. I will also stand by them and be there whenever they need me. That is the kind of person I am. I know I have changed over the last few years. Mainly for self preservation. I have told part of events, none of some events, I have skirted the truth and even lied on occasion. I don't know anyone who can say they have not lied in their life. I know some people would love for you to believe they tell you the truth all of the time but I am beyond being that gullible. People will tell you what they want you to hear when it comes to covering their own butts. Any of them. The ones that say they wouldn't, are in fact lying. I do believe lying about the big stuff is wrong.. Cheating, stealing, hurting someone else. I am not an awful person. I do have morals. If anyone reading this thinks otherwise them maybe they should just not read it or if they believe I am such a horrible person then stay away from me. I don't need toxic friends. I have had toxic relationships be them friends or significant others.

I don't always make the best decisions when it comes to my love life. From what I have noticed a lot of people don't. Don't judge me on my bad relationships and I will not judge you on yours! No one is perfect. For those who have stood beside me through it all. Thank you. I love each one of you. I will always be there when and if you may need me. For those others well........... Oh I am just going to do it. For those others you may kiss my natural white ass! Love ya!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Moving On.... Part 2

As most of you read I went our this weekend with some of my closest friends. Friday was a great night. Thanks for dinner Countrymusic Fan. Saturday was interesting but still a good time was had. Sunday I had to go into work. Thank goodness I don't have hangovers. After work I went up to the hospital to visit my dad. I left the hospital and noticed I had some missed calls on my cell. I returned the calls.

Just a little history lesson. Redneckgirl and I have been friends since birth, well her birth anyway. I have known Musctagscarlett since the 6 the grade and I met Mindtwister when I was 20. Countrymusic fan and I dated for a couple years and then parted company but decided to remain friends. It was very hard for me at first because I loved him but as time went on I moved on to other relationships and other men. He his been with the same woman since 2 weeks after our split. No big deal right? We are friends now.

It seems now after we have been split for over 2 years there is a problem. One of the returned calls was to him. We talked about our day and whatnot. Then I was told, " Don't call me anymore in the forseeable future." Needless to say I was shocked at first. He repeated it as if I didn't hear it the first time and proceeded to tell me it was not because he was mad at me and I had not done anything. He was tired of listening to his current girfirend sh*t. At this point I finally gave up. I told him to have a good one, and said goodbye. Just to let you know. Good bye Country Music fan. I am not dumb, I am not going to beg for anyones friendship, especially a man who is so disrespectful he can not tell the woman he claims to love that he has FRIENDS. So disrespectful to me and his current love that he tries to FU*K my best friend at every opportunity and gets mad when he sees her happy with another. We can not choose who we love by the way. At one time I loved him and would have given everything up to be with him. He claimed he was my friend but I think her really needs to learn what a real friend is. I will always have a space in my heart for him even if I can't have a space in my life. God bless and Good Luck Countrymusic fan.

The Redneck Bar Weekend

If you have looked at Redneckgirl or Mindtwister's Blog you know we all went to the local Redneck bar for some kareokee. If you have not read their accounts of the weekend please do so. Redneck girl has some great pics. Some friends of ours came down from Chicago. Mr B kept us all entertained Friday night. He had been partying longer than Redneckgirl, Country Music fan and Mustagscarlett. I think when he log rolled across the dance floor over and over I was going wet myself. Saturday after my dog peed on Mindtwster and we got his clothes changed, and picked up Mustangscarlett we went back to the bar. Country Music fan ended up stranded and I drove (sans glasses) to get him. We hooked up with some old friends of ours that recently got married ( see post on Redneck wedding). Much fun was had by all!