hard2 stop

I am a self motivated, independent female looking for answers. Aren't we all.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Coming Together or Falling Apart

As everyone who reads my blog you know I have a group of friends that I am very close to. It is a very exciting time for one of them. She is pregnant. Due at the end of the year with her first baby. I am so excited for her and her husband. Also it gives me another one to spoil rotten. I am the perpetual Auntie. I love children and would like to have at least one someday. Right now is just not a good time. I wish her the best of luck and a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

It is getting closer to my birthday. I used to get so psyched up about going out with my friends and having a blast. I am not so psyched anymore. It seems like when we all get together someone has to have an issue. It may be me or one of the others. It has just gotten stressful. All I ever want is to have a good time. What is preventing a group of friends who used to get together and have a wonderful time from continuing to do so? Now I just get all eikey about it. I hate conflict and try to avoid it whenever possible. No one has mentioned doing anything this year. Maybe they feel the same. So this year instead of coming together as we always do, maybe this will be the beginning of the falling apart. I sincerely hope not.

Ok. I am going to vent again. Derby sucked! Yes I am aware I have already said it, but it is worth saying again. Derby really sucked!!!!!! Apparently I have terrible judgment in people, especially men. I sent an e mail to a person I thought was a friend. I expected an answer of some kind. It could have been a call , a return e mail. I am not picky. Did I get either? NO. I guess I put more stock in our friendship than he did. OK I had better stop before I go on a tirade. Yes I know some of you love to hear my tirades, but others do not.

I have recently started e mailing an old high school chum. He sent me an e mail via work address. Seems like we work for the same company and he saw me enter the building this week. It has been nice catching up. I have known him forever, since kindergarten. It really is a small world.

I hope your day is full of happiness, joy and laughter.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Derby and Doggy Disasters

Hello all. I know it has been a while since my last entry. I have been trying very hard to pull my thoughts together. I guess the last time I blogged I was looking forward to the Derby festivities. Lets just say the weekend turned out to be one of the worst I have ever had to endure. I always am the person to say... I can tolerate anything for 1 hr, 2 hrs, 3 hr etc. Derby weekend put it to the test. I was humiliated, embarrassed, and hurt by someone I trusted and cared about as a friend. Not just once, not just twice but repeatedly. At the risk of sounding like Forrest Gump , "thats all I have to say about that." Now onto the Doggy Disaster.

My parents left this past weekend to visit my brother in Florida. I told them I would stay and watch the house and their dog. The dog is half Lab and half German Shepherd and is normally a very well behaved animal. Last night was a totally different story. My dog was also there. They tend to get along well. I guess Tie, my parent dog, was tired of being alone. He let me know about it. Usually when my mom is home she sleeps on the couch and he sleeps at her feet. Well I took my dog into the spare room and close the door so she could not get out and tear anything up. That left Tie to roam the house alone at night for the weekend.

Last night I picked my little dog up and carried her into the spare room. Tie followed close behind. I had just let them in from outside. I placed my dog on the bed and announced it was night night time. Tie then proceeded to raise his leg and piss on my scrub pants, turn around and walk out of the room. I was so shocked. He has never done that before. I scolded him then went to bed. I was sleeping pretty soundly when I hear a loud crash, bang boom at 2 in the morning. I sat straight up in bed and was kind of scared. I flew out of the bedroom door and looked around frantically. I crept to the kitchen and saw a horrible site. Trash all over the floor. I turned the corner to the den and the same site met me there as well. Tie had gotten into the trash can and flung trash all over the house. I was so mad. I was picking trash up and cleaning house when I should be asleep. I looked at his dog dish. Empty. Guilt set in. Maybe he was just hungry. Since there really wasn't much food in the garbage I opened him some food and put it in his bowel. He walked over, sniffed it twice, took a bite and walked to the living room to lay down. At this point I am not feeling so guilty I am back to being mad. I went back to bed. Woke up late. Rushed around the house to leave for work and looked in my parents bedroom. All the covers on the bed had been pulled off and flung in the floor. Since my puppy and myself were in the other room all night that left one culprit. Tie. I didn't have time to make the bed up so I left it the way it was. The funny thing about all of this. My puppy, who is known for getting into things, slept next to me all night without a peep. It was like that old movie where the father and son switch bodies. Kind of strange.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

One topic, Two topic, Three ......

I really do not have one specific topic I am going to foucs on for this blog. I guess I should just call this Random Thoughts Day. Over the last week I have spent most of my time cleaning my house, spending time with my family and catching up with a few friends I do not get to see all the time. Have I mentioned how much I hate to clean? I don't know anyone who thinks it is great fun, but I had to clean my house last weekend. I had a little help. Thanks guys. We even cleaned out the attic and the carpets. It was a job. Anyone who knows me would say over the last year if you come into my home chances were there would be clean clothes folded or placed on the table in my kitchen. I rarely eat at the table sooooo..... Anyway, I do not mind doing laundry. The physical act of changing clothes over, putting them in the washer or dryer, separating them , and folding does not bother me. I hate to put them away. I avoid it all costs. I am not sure why. I just do. I am going to try and get better about it though.

Also I am looking forward to chaning rooms after Derby. I currently have the room upstairs but I am switching rooms with my room mate very soon. Yeah!!!! no more waling up and down steps to go potty whe he has locked himself in.

I have a friend coming to town for Derby. Everyone is so excited to see him. I am torn. I enjoy spending time with him and we get along very well. He just so happens to be my ex significant other. We are friends now. He has moved on. So have I. I guess there may still be some lingering issues I refuse to discuss with anyone. It still holds true at this point... I would rather have him in my life as my friend than not in my life at all. So as the day approaches, my friends become more and more excited I feel bad I am not quite as overenthused as them. To me yes we are friends and can spend quality time together but... anyway it must be those issues I refuse to discuss. I am looking forward to the events to come. FUN!!!! DERBY!!!!! let you know how my weekend goes later.