hard2 stop

I am a self motivated, independent female looking for answers. Aren't we all.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


It is Sunday evening and I am once again visiting my parents. Using thier computer to blog. Normally I do this at work during my luch or down time, but I have not been to work for a while . It wasn't until I had to stay at home during the day that i noticed daytime TV is in dire straights. It sucks. Why am I not at work? No I did not get fired, nor did I quit. I have been ill recently. Valentine's Day I was hit with abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting. I am sure you get the picture. I did go see my doctor the next day and he thought it was just a "bug" going around. It never went away. I did try to make it back to work that next Monday, but without the medication for pain and nausea, I was miserable. I went back to the doctor the next day and he put me off work. I feel like a pin coushin from the labs an di due up for an ultrasound and CT scan of my abdomen on Tuesday. The vomiting has slowed down , thank goodness, but the nausea and pain persist. Since i am not working that also means I am not getting paid. This brought about a unreal amount of stress. Who today can go 3 weeks without a paycheck? Not many without being in finacial straights. Thank goodness there are people in my life that are able to lend a hand when one needs it most. For those I am extremely thankful. I will be ok. During one of my many visits to my parents home this week while I have been off from work I was given some rather disturbing news. Ok not disturbing, disgusting.

I have an old friend from childhood that I do not speak with anymore. As we grew up she grew into a person I really did not want in my life. She is uncapable of telling the truth and lies to anyone for the sake of the almighty dollar. She borrowed monet from her family, my family, other friends, and myself. She has yet to pay me back or my family back the money she owes. I am not petty enough to ruin a lifelong friendship over a few dollars. It is not that reason I do not speak with her. It is the lies. This is not what disgusts me. This person is now accsuing her one of her own family memebers of a horrible, unspeakable act. Something that would make me furious if true. Knowing the situation that the family memeber is in and her past, I do not believe her for one moment. I feel sorry for her family and am disgusted to the point of nausea at her complete disreguard for anyone other than herself. May God save her soul, for no one else here will. I am prepared to speak on her family memebers behalf if necessary. Please keep them in your prayers and thoughts.


It is Sunday evening and I am once again visiting my parents. Using thier computer to blog. Normally I do this at work during my luch or down time, but I have not been to work for a while . It wasn't until I had to stay at home during the day that i noticed daytime TV is in dire straights. It sucks. Why am I not at work? No I did not get fired, nor did I quit. I have been ill recently. Valentine's Day I was hit with abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting. I am sure you get the picture. I did go see my doctor the next day and he thought it was just a "bug" going around. It never went away. I did try to make it back to work that next Monday, but without the medication for pain and nausea, I was miserable. I went back to the doctor the next day and he put me off work. I feel like a pin coushin from the labs an di due up for an ultrasound and CT scan of my abdomen on Tuesday. The vomiting has slowed down , thank goodness, but the nausea and pain persist. Since i am not working that also means I am not getting paid. This brought about a unreal amount of stress. Who today can go 3 weeks without a paycheck? Not many without being in finacial straights. Thank goodness there are people in my life that are able to lend a hand when one needs it most. For those I am extremely thankful. I will be ok. During one of my many visits to my parents home this week while I have been off from work I was given some rather disturbing news. Ok not disturbing, disgusting.

I have an old friend from childhood that I do not speak with anymore. As we grew up she grew into a person I really did not want in my life. She is uncapable of telling the truth and lies to anyone for the sake of the almighty dollar. She borrowed monet from her family, my family, other friends, and myself. She has yet to pay me back or my family back the money she owes. I am not petty enough to ruin a lifelong friendship over a few dollars. It is not that reason I do not speak with her. It is the lies. This is not what disgusts me. This person is now accsuing her one of her own family memebers of a horrible, unspeakable act. Something that would make me furious if true. Knowing the situation that the family memeber is in and her past, I do not believe her for one moment. I feel sorry for her family and am disgusted to the point of nausea at her complete disreguard for anyone other than herself. May God save her soul, for no one else here will. I am prepared to speak on her family memebers behalf if necessary. Please keep them in your prayers and thoughts.

Monday, February 20, 2006

What to Say

It has been a while since I have blogged and a few of my friends have brought this to my attention. I have not blogged because I am at a stand still. I did not know what to say. I guess I will give everyone an update. I have been laid up most of the time. I am a clutz. Not just your normal everyday variety, I always do myself in in the most interesting ways. About a month ago or so I was chasing my run away puppy, who was chasing another stray dog, and slipped on some mud. Landed on my bottom but hit my knee on the way down. Still having knee problems from this. yes I did the right thing and went to the doctor, who sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. I would rather cut off my leg than to go back and see this doctor again. He was unprofessional and was not a good physician in my opinion. As if my knee problem was not enough I had to have yet another clutz moment a couple weeks after. I fell down my stairs.

When I say I fell down the stairs I do not mean one or two steps. I fell from the top to the bottom on my back. It was like an Olymic sport, flat on my back and sliding downhill. It did get a trip to the ER. Nothing broken but lots of pain. It is my good fortune they gave me pain killers and muscle relaxers. I am still having issues with both injuries, probably because I try to do too much too soon. I do thank my helpful room mate. He has been carrying boxes and my laundry up the steps to my bedroom for me. Isn't that sweet?

The room mate adventure is also new. I have lived with people my entire life except from April of 2005 until Feb 2006. Mostly it was my parents, but we did have various others live with us through the years. I vowed when I moved from my parents home that I was going to be married or live on my own. Well we can see how well that worked. I am adjusting to having a stranger live with me. Yes, I have known this person for many years, but until you actually live with someone, they are a stranger to your private world. They see you first thing in the morning with bad hair and groggy. They see you sick, tired, awake and you see them. Lets just say it is taking an adjustment. I am pretty laid back about certain things and particular about others. We are having to learn the art of compromise. Wish us luck. We might need it.

I am still trying to work on the positive thinking. I have had some pit falls called reality. Some things you just can not put a positive spin on. People I used to be very close to I feel have abandonded me when I needed it the most. Thank goodness for those that didn't. I am a good friend and attempting to be better. There is always room for improvement. I am a good daughter, but also trying to improve that as well. I am a good person. Those that feel otherwise are those I need to expel from my life. I listen, I give, I am there when asked or needed. I have no time or energy for people who constantly find fault with me. I am my own worst enemy. I do not need any help in that department. So for those of you reading, HI I blogged again. If you are one of the people in my life that inspire, are there, listen without judgement, bring me up and not put me down , I love you and thank you. If you fit into the other category, Fuck you. Now how positive is that...lol. Have a great week .

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

MISSING: 2 Brain Cells and a Pack of Gum

I was recently reading an article online about relationships. I focused at first on relationships between men and women, since I am a single female. Keeping track of socialization between the sexes keeps you not only informed, but equiped to handle the pressure of dating. Unfortunatley, it didn't provide any new insight. So I decided to go to relationships between family.

Has the American family come appart? The recommendation in the article was for families to sit down at the dinner table at least 3 times a week for dinner. When I was a kid we always sat at the diner table, every night. Rarely were we able to sit anywhere else. Kids make messes and the easiest place to clean would be the kitchen table. The second recommendation is a big shocker.... Talk to your kids about their day. Do parents really need to be reminded to talk to their kids? It is not like they are puppies and can be put in a cage.

I then became bored looking through the family relationship and moved to relationships among friends. It was equally as annoying. Giving advice that I though everyone knew. Those who think this is groundbreaking information may just have 2 brain cells left. Those that need to be reminded to talk to thier kids are holding thier familes together with chewing gum. Be careful, gum only stretches so far.

Recently I feel like that piece of chewing gum, one hand pulling one way and the other pulling the opposite direction. I keep stretching and stretching. When am I going to break? I am working a lot of overtime at work right now. I was just informed my father is having more radiation visits added to his regimen. I haven't seen my little brother in a year and a half. People in my life are behaving completely opposite from themselves and not always in a good way. My puppy is a monster when I leave her alone and turns into destructo dog. Now on my poor doggies behalf, she is a very sweet animal and tends not to get into much trouble when I am there, just curiosity. It is when I leave her , she freaks out. I have tried locking her in the bathroom and ended up having to reapint the door from her scratching to get out. I tried leaving things out of her reach and she jumps like a kangaroo. I have tried putting her in a cage. if I do not lock the doors just right she can get out of it. I am open for suggestions? I think I only have 2 brain cells left to burn and she ate the pack of gum...lol.