hard2 stop

I am a self motivated, independent female looking for answers. Aren't we all.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Holy Germies!!!!

Wow it has been a while since my last post. I did realize it had been quite so long. I'm baaaccck. I have been swamped with work and more work. I just had to take a moment to reflect on something from my weekend. I went to the Baptism of a friend's son. They are catholic and it was held in a small church in the town where I recently moved from. The baby was adorable all dressed in white. Slippery as well, since his suit was made of a satin material. I was happy to share in the joy and happiness of this day with my friend and her family. My parents and I showed up in time for mass. The baptism was after. For those who know me already know my religious background. For those who do not. I was raise in a divided household. My mother was catholic and my father was Baptist. As I grew I learned about both religions and was visitor to each religion. I was baptized catholic as an infant. Then my parents stopped going to church all together and decided it was up to me to decide what religion to become. In my quest I have attend many services under many Christian denominations. Catholic, Baptist, Church of God, Methodist, Christian, Episcopalian are among a few. I have yet to find a religious home. Back to the story. I was in the middle of mass and the priest was giving communion to the alter boys when it hit me. How GROSS!!!!!

I have been in an out of the catholic church since the day I was born but it didn't hit me until now. Everyone drinks from the same cup. Everyone except the priest of course. Anyone who comes and receives communion wine will drink from the same goblet. No wonder we all stay sick! I am a nurse and a believer of science, but I also have faith and believe many things are just out of my hands. There is a higher power that can over rule any amount of science. In this case not so much. I know the wine is blessed but I am not drinking after 200 strangers. Everyone lined up to partake of communion. All I could think about was the little old lady who just hacked up a lung 3 pews ahead of me or the guy in the first row who had a fever blister the size of Mt Everest taking a big swig out of the cup they expected me to drink out of. Millions and millions of little Germies floating in the holy wine. Does that make them Holy Germies? How disgusting. All I know is they may be blessed germies, but I am not going to be the one next week people are saying" Bless You" to after a fit of coughing and sneezing. I wish the best to the rest of them.