hard2 stop

I am a self motivated, independent female looking for answers. Aren't we all.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I' ve Been Hit.. Sorry Tagged

So it seems my bestest bud RNG has tagged me. Now I will list 8 things about myself. It does not sound that hard but I have found it to be somewhat of a difficult task. Here goes.

1. I HATE scary movies they give me nightmares.

2. Daffodils make me smile.

3. I fear snakes. Even the tiny garden kind.

4. I do not cry pretty. I don't know how those women do it?

5. I really do miss my little brother.

6. I have to laugh every time I see the dancing baby from Alley McBeal.

7.I do not like the movie It's a Wonderful Life.

8. I am staring to like pink.....OMG!!!

I tag beckylyn and mustangscarlett........


  • At 8:53 AM, Blogger RedNeckGirl said…

    lol...great stuff! does anyone cry pretty?

    Pink is the new Black.
    ~hugs and love~

  • At 12:07 PM, Blogger CindyCinlou said…

    Who crys pretty would love to meet them. I miss him so much too! Pink I still like blue everyone said I would grow out of it but I never did.


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